Feature: World of Showjumping – FEI’s proposed rule changes for 2024

Feature: World of Showjumping – FEI’s proposed rule changes for 2024
Views Equestrian Services

In an article originally featured on World of Showjumping, Emma Waters and Ellen Kerr take a closer look at three proposed changes to the FEI rules that will have a big impact on the equestrian community, if implemented:


  1.  Social Media Policies for Athletes and Officials: The FEI is proposing to introduce social media guidelines for athletes and officials. Amongst other things, these guidelines prohibit  derogatory comments about others in the sport (and the FEI), require athletes to fact-check content before posting, and discourage officials from posting in a way that could compromise their impartiality or integrity. We explore how these polices may be implemented.

  2. Safeguarding Policy Amendments: The FEI's suggested revisions to its Safeguarding Policy against Harassment and Abuse will reduce its responsibility to act in certain cases. We discuss what this means for those in the sport.

  3. Enhanced Investigative Powers: The FEI's proposals will enable it request evidence from athletes and other FEI individuals during ethics and integrity inquiries. We explore whether such sweeping powers are lawful, and propose changes that the FEI may need to make so as not to breach the rights of those who will be affected by the new rules.


The FEI is accepting feedback on these proposals until 16 August 2023. Only National Federations and stakeholder organisations can submit feedback – so individuals will need to discuss their comments with their member organisation.

For an in-depth exploration of the proposed FEI rule changes and their implications, you can read the original article published on World of Showjumping.


If you have any queries about what the proposed rule changes could mean for you, please contact Emma Waters (emma.waters@morgansl.com) and Ellen Kerr (ellen.kerr@morgansl.com) of the Morgan Sports Law Equestrian Services team.


Link to Original Article: https://www.worldofshowjumping.com/en/News/A-closer-look-at-FEI-s-proposed-social-media-policies-for-athletes-and-officials-as-well-as-suggested-changes-to-safeguarding-p.html#


Authored  by

Emma Waters
Senior Associate


Ellen Kerr
Trainee Solicitor